Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Whats New??

Davids back! I'm sure I haven't blogged since before he left but he was deployed for close to 5 months.  (The longest 5 months of our lives)
It was so exciting to have him home and we have been busy, busy ever since. He puts on Senior Airmen here soon and we are so proud of him!

 I got a J-O-B!!! Exciting huh?? Its has been forever but I'm loving it!!!  I'm working with Mentally disabled people in a community living environment. Its an incredible experience, and feels pretty amazing to be making a difference for somebody :)

What else...

 Oooohhh Braden starts school tomorrow and I don't think he could be anymore excited!! Preschool, but still it is making me feel like time is going way too fast!! I know it'll be good for him but I'm going to miss my baby...

Everything seems to be coming together so well for us and so all of sudden!!!!!
    Life's great and we couldn't be more happy!

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